Boiler Installation
Boiler installation varies on the intended setup. Regardless of the application, a boiler functions most efficiently with the concurrent use of a heat accumulation tank (hot water tank). The hot water tank allows for the thermal storage of excess heat energy from the boiler during heating process and idling. The heating system then draws on the stored thermal energy when needed to heat the intended space. A properly sized storage tank can cut wood consumption by 40%. The use of a hot water tank also helps to moderate the heating load experienced by the boiler due to fluctuating outside temperature changes. This is particularly noticeable in transition seasons (spring and autumn), when boilers without a hot water tank will excessively idle accumulating creosote in the boiler heat-exchanger and chimney. This switching lowers the boiler's efficiency and results in fuel losses. However, if a hot water tank is used, the boiler will work at maximum efficiency while storing excess heat energy for later use which minimizes the amount of wood fuel required.
Generally, the bigger the storage tank the better, as the boiler is most efficient when running at full capacity. The rule of thumb on tank sizing is that 13 gallons of water can store about 1KW of boiler heat. Using the EKO Line 25 as an example: 13 gal/1KW x 31KW = 421 gallons. 421 gallons x 91% efficiency = 383 gallon minimum size water tank. As these are just estimates, please contact us regarding your unique situation
Also, it is worth noting that other heating systems such as solar water heater, heat pumps, and others can be connected to the hot water storage tank for greater redundancy.

1,000 Gallon Hot Water Storage Tank
EKO 60 with 1,000 gallon pressurized hot water storage tank with expansion tank.
Boiler Connection Scheme with One Hot Water Tank
Boiler with a 3000 EV Regulator
LADDOMAT 21 Thermoregulator
NAD, NADO Accumulation Tank
Electrical Heater
Three-way Mixing Valve MIX C (MIX BP, MIX AP, MIX P)
Circulating Pump
CZ04 Room Temperature Sensor
Heating System Exit
Mixing Valve Drive
Opened Compensating Vessel
CZ03 Outer Temperature Sensor
Mixing Valve
CZ02 Feeding Water Temperature Sensor

Boiler Connection Scheme with Multiple Hot Water Tanks
Boiler with a 3000 Regulator
LADDOMAT 21 Thermoregulator
Accumulation Tanks
Mixing Valve Drive
Heating System Exit
Three-way Mixing Valve
Opened Compensating Vessel
Circulating Pump
CZ04 Room Temperature Sensor
CZ03 Outer Temperature Sensor
CZ02 Feeding Water Temperature Sensor

Boiler Connection Scheme with Two Boilers working in Cascade
MK.CS Mixing Valve Drive
Circulating Pump
Differential Valve
Operational Water Heater
Compensating Vessel
Exit for Warm Operational Water Heater
Cold Water Entry
Outdoor Thermostat

Boilers connected in cascade enable the heating of larger buildings. Boilers should be of the same output. A linked system provides more options for heat source dynamics than a system with only one boiler. This is particularly true in transition seasons (spring and autumn). Additionally, boilers may be serviced individually without taking the entire heating system off-line. Lastly, multiple boilers allow load sharing which can increase boiler longevity.