Wood as a Fuel
Wood is a renewable resource like solar, water, or wind power. They are all energy sources, which never become depleted, unless improperly managed.
Wood is also a fuel, which may be stored and preserved without energy loss. Wood storing reduces its humidity and simultaneously increases its heating value (energy volume, which may be used up during burning process).
Modern boilers utilizing wood in gasification processes use energy contained in wood with efficiency that is three times higher than traditional boilers. Smoke and other emissions are cut to a very low level, making our boilers very environmentally friendly.
Our wood gasification boilers are adapted for burning any kind of wood ranging from sawdust to cordwood. The best way to achieve recommended wood humidity is to cut the timber during springtime.
The ideal humidity for efficient gasification should be in 20% range. Wood too dry (less than 15%) or too wet (more than 25%) will reduce boiler efficiency.
Note that raw wood humidity ranges from 60% (wood cut in winter) to 80% (cut in summer). The most favorable wood humidity is obtained after 12-18 months of dry storage exposed to airflow.